
4 Tips to Live a Happy Life

We pursue happiness, and we have been making efforts to live a happy life! Referring to happiness, people have defined it in various ways. Some people believe that richness is equal to happiness; some people think that the more friends you have, the happier your life will be; and the like.
In my opinion, happiness is simple. Perhaps you can keep happy and relaxed with the following four tips. Go to have a try, and you will find it easy to achieve.
Have a dream.
A person without any dreams or beliefs will easily lose his way. He would never know what he is doing for at this moment and what he is going to make in the future. Confusedly, he is unlikely to live happily. Therefore, when you are in the pursuit of happiness, the fist thing you have to consider is to have a dream!
Be kind to others.
Kindness is a generosity of spirit. When we are willing to help others without expecting anything in return, we are on the way to happiness. Be kind to others, and you will realize that how beautiful the world is and how happy life is!
Go shopping with friends.
Sometimes, when you feel tired of the heavy workload or the boring life, you can go to do shopping with your friends. As reported, most women have a high mood when shopping. Thus, you could do shopping with friends sometimes, just for a happy life. You can buy a piece of jewelry, a fashion bag, or anything else you can afford to enjoy yourself.
Smile to yourself everyday!
Some people say that, "When you are happy, you would smile". However, to my point of view, when you smile, you would be happy! Smile always brings us a relaxed mind! Never forget to smile to yourself everyday. The first thing you should do is to stand in front of the mirror and smile, as soon as you get up in the morning.
To sum up, only you have the absolute power to determine your happiness and to achieve it! From now on, please try to enjoy your happy life and have a good time always.
Ivy Shawn is a rather hyperactive writer and loves to write on every topic about human life. Bagsok is a marvelous online store providing various kinds of bags, so the author strongly recommends to visit that website to have a good time.

Overcoming Pessimistic Mindset

More often than not, people who have positive outlook in life have greater chance to succeed than their pessimistic counterparts. The reason behind this is actually simple and obvious: motivation. Without enough positive impetus, people tend to be ether self-destructing or self-defeating in their attitudes toward challenging situations. How can anybody actually succeed without first believing that they have the capacity to succeed?
Pessimism-depression connection
Not unless a person is clinically depressed or has a bi-polar personality, there is no need for medications. Depression is a form of pessimism but pessimism itself does not always manifest itself as depression. Negative mindset may also manifest as lack of motivation to pursue worthwhile things simply because they are difficult.
Defeating negativism is the first step in actually achieving something significant. On one hand, pessimism is a form of coping mechanism of trying to justify failure or to avoid failure. It is usually coupled with laziness and procrastination. Many pessimistic individuals are also fond of blaming others rather than admitting their own inadequacies and taking responsibility for their actions.
Pessimism may eventually spiral down to depression if the situation becomes worse. For instance, a pessimistic person may become depressed with the realization of being a failure in life.
Know thyself
Combating pessimism is a psychological struggle that can only be won by examining the self. Acknowledging limitations is good but discovering potentials is much better. A person who is caught in pessimistic attitude should try to emphasize all the positive attributes of himself or herself. Listing all of these down can help.
Knowing one's self is difficult but not impossible. It may require the critical assessment of the current situation and recalling the progress made in the past. A turning point or key event may be identified as the main trigger for the current pessimism. Perhaps an initial failure on attempting something really important triggered the loss of interest.
Associating with positive-minded people will help in overcoming personal pessimism. Finding friends that are supportive and motivated can boost self-confidence. Becoming a member of cause-oriented groups and charitable organizations may also help finding better focus.
People who focus on helping others find better sense of fulfillment. Socializing with optimistic and idealistic people can be life-changing. Even in a workplace, it is better to be part of highly-motivated and dynamic teams rather than working alone.
Take action
Inaction or insufficient action usually leads to pessimism and vice-versa. It is better to start immediately on a task or goal rather than being occupied over-analyzing the negative consequences. One must realize that taking action to fulfill aspirations is a learning process.
Eliminating procrastinations and being pro-active will reduce if not totally eliminate self doubts and fears. By being busy working on a worthy goal will divert the mind from dwelling too much on avoiding failure. One must realize that any worthwhile goal will require effort and investment of time and other resources. Pessimism can be overcome by eliminating idleness.
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Time Management and Motivation

Time management is essential for having a successful life, however if there is lack of motivation, time management can be a struggle. Motivation keys into time management since when a person is lacking motivation they probably are not keeping their important documents filed, or meeting time plans that are required of them: the key then to achieving a motivation level that will benefit your every day plans, is stop putting off tomorrow, what you can do today.
If you see your desk is in a rut, do not stand their and say, "oh well, I will get to it sooner or later." Rather organize your desk, and look back at your labor. Feel it! If you follow this plan you will soon feel better about yourself, and motivation is in the process of being cultivated. Time management will follow once your motivation perks up. Motivation is a force, a stimulus, or influence. It is a drive within us that we must put to use in order to achieve. Regardless of your situation, motivation is possible to obtain. To learn more about motivation and time management we are going to take a look a few tips that can benefit us.
If you have a hard time remembering, you might want to post notes on the refrigerator, computer, or any office area or home area where you visit every day. This is will remind you of your daily duties, and possibly help with your motivation to get it done!
Engagement books, address books, or other types of stationary provisions are available if you do not have a problem with memory, and need a reminder by opening up your book. If you like, pictures try to find a pretty stationary book that keeps you focused on the plan. If you have to get up early to go to work, you might want to set your clothes out the night before, and plan your day as scheduled. For example, if you have important tasks to handle the next day, don't have an extra cup of coffee, rather get to the job, and get it done. Once you finish you can move onto others tasks, and have that cup of coffee later when you realize that you just managed your time.
You can also invest some of your time in yourself. When we let ourselves go, it often affects us in many ways. If you enjoy exercise, then exercise before you go to work for a few minutes. This will build motivation, stamina and help your find the energy you need to get the rest of your work done. Eat a healthy breakfast, instead of rushing out the door. The saying "the early bird gets the worm" is very true. When you wake up early, you not only feel good, but you accomplish what you set out to do. Taking the first step is not always easy, but once you get the motor a running, you are on your way to managing your time since your motivation is climbing the ladder to success.
For more great free resources on how to manage your time visit Gabae Time Management [].
Also for more informative articles on time management visit Gabae Time Management Articles [].

5 Success Secrets In 68 Seconds

There are many ways to become successful. It is different for everybody. One thing that remains the same, though, are the basic principles of becoming successful.
Napoleon Hill wrote about these in Think and Grow Rich. You may have also heard about them from Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People.

  1. Listen to the right people. There are so many people that want to give you advice. You can't listen to all of them. So how do you know which to listen to? Those with the best advice will always be those who have what you want! Do you want to be rich? Listen to someone who is rich. Want to be health? Listen to someone who is healthy. Want to have a successful family? Listen to someone who has a successful family.
  2. Become teachable. How teachable are you? One easy way to answer that is what will you give up to learn new information? If you want things in your life to change, you have to change things in your life. There will be some things that you might have to do differently to change your life.
  3. Develop a winning attitude. How do you become successful? Its all in the attitude, not the actions. Most people will focus on the techniques and specific actions they do to become successful. The truth is that the thoughts are the most important. In fact 99% of the importance. If you can change your attitude and have a winning self-esteem, you can succeed much faster.
  4. Soak up knowledge like a sponge. Knowledge is Power, but only if its used. And it can only be used if its remembered. If you really want to absorb the knowledge that you learn throughout your life, you have to make it part of your DNA. Memorize it so well that you can instantly recall it. You should know it as well as your own name.
  5. Master the basics first. You have now learned the basics, master them! If its one secret that you should remember, it is to MASTER THE BASICS. Bruce Lee said "I am not afraid of the 10,000 strikes you know, you have practiced only once. I am deathly afraid of the one strike you know, you have practiced 10,000 times."
There you have it, the 5 success secrets that will take you 68 seconds to implement... but a lifetime to master. Always be ready to learn more and continue to press your knowledge forward towards mastery and success!
If you are ready to take the next step visit for a FREE report on How To Make This Year The Best Year Ever!

How to Have More Joy in Life!

Imagine being alive from the top of your head, down through the body and out the tips of your toes. Not just alive and surviving, but energized and living the life of your dreams. Turning a so-so life into a passion filled, exciting adventure is possible. However, there is a catch: It won't happen on its own. If you want the feelings of greater happiness, joy, success, inner peace, and abundance, a necessary adjustment is required. You are going to have to learn to shift your focus from everything that is going wrong and place attention on the necessity of feeling good right now. Here are six tips on how to bring more joy into your life!
Dreams and Goals
Feeling good is about having a dream, not just having the outcome of a dream. Spend joyful time with your dreams and desires even before they become real. Dreams are about self-love and a decision to feel good from the inside out. They reaffirm the beauty and joy of living. Helen Keller wrote, "Be of good cheer. Do not think of today's failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourselves a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find joy in overcoming obstacles. Remember, no effort that we make to attain something beautiful is ever lost." Dreams provide a sense of purpose; a guiding direction; something to hold onto during life ups and down. Dreams give you the opportunity to feel good, now in this present moment. How? By loving yourself for having a dream, by breathing life into that dream, and by learning to nurture a growing expectation that things will work out well for you.
Joy is Now, Not Later
Your goals and dreams are important because they provide a sense of direction for your life and form a basis for your decisions and choices. However, don't postpone your joy until the end of your goal. Joy is not going to magically appear like a pot of gold waiting at the end of the goal rainbow. This is because you cannot earn joy. Instead, joy comes from inside of you. It rises up because you consciously chose a specific direction or goal that was important to you, and then you decided to spend energy and effort engaged in bringing your goal to life. Joy is the delight your share with yourself now and each day as you think self-supportive thoughts and take self-empowering actions to create success for yourself.
Permission to Feel Good
As odd as it may sound, it is important to make a conscious decision that you want to be alive and you want to feel good in your life. Until you decide to give yourself permission to feel good, it may be quite difficult to make decisions that support your goal of increasing your joy. Deciding to feel good builds new self-supporting beliefs inside of you. Those new beliefs state, "I exist, I can have what I want, I am supported, I'm good enough, and it is important for me to feel good."
Make Decisions That Support Joy
Feeling good and increasing your level of joy is something that you allow or do not allow. Each day you make many decisions related to your ability to allow yourself to feel joyful. Actions that support joy include paying attention to what is most important to you, moving personal priorities to the top of your to-do list, and talking to yourself in a supportive and encouraging way. Joy expands as you focus on what is personally meaningful. You can increase your level of joy by asking yourself, "Is the energy I am bringing into the relationship of me and my life allowing me to feel good? Am I taking actions that increase my feelings of empowerment? Do the thoughts I am thinking take me closer to, or further from my goal?" The answers to these questions illustrates how much influence you have over your own ability to allow joy, to nurture it, and to make it important in your life.
Boost Your Energy
Joy is your ability to connect your spirit with your physical life. If you are feeling stagnant, lethargic, bored, or stressed it is time to get your energy flowing. Stand up and shake things up. Take a five-minute walk, get some sunlight, and get involved in some activity that helps you breathe more deeply. Move around a little and take several deep breaths. Consciously and deliberately, take the kind of breaths that say, "Yes" to life, and "Yes" to joy!
Be Kind to Yourself
If you are feeling anxious, stressed, sad, or even depressed, this is a sign that you body is calling out for more support. Some of the best ways to increase your level of joy include sunlight, fresh air, and enjoyable movement. In addition, love yourself and focus on a joyful experience. Acknowledge your efforts and successes. Speak kindly to yourself. Watch movies that inspire or make you laugh. Go for walks outside. Pamper your body. Have more fun. Breathe. Joy is essentially the celebration of your own life.
Gaining more joy can seem perplexing at first, but with practice and a positive attitude, your ability to feel more alive, happier, and more joyful gets much easier. Joy is always around you, in you, and available to you. Follow these ideas and give your joy level a boost today!
Dr. Annette Colby, RD can help you take the pain out of life, turn difficult emotions into joy, release stress, end emotional eating, and move beyond depression into an extraordinary life! Annette is the author of Your Highest Potential and has the unique ability to show you how to spark an amazing relationship with your life! Visit [] to access hundreds of content filled articles and sign up for a Fr'ee subscription to Loving Miracles! newsletter.

Listen to Your Inner Voice

The inner voice of an individual can be a guiding principle for an individual. It can move an individual toward false objective because it depends on an individuals' attitude and thinking. If someone is confused then he should look within himself to find a better solution. Your voice and actions are an extension of your inner voice. When you are working on an important task then you should not ignore your inner voice to succeed in life.
- The inner voice is a kind of leader for an individual because it shows him the right course of action. Those who don't care for the inner voice remain confused and unable to reach a proper decision.
- The inner voice is an encouraging force for individuals to keep on going in the direction of the goal. - - The inner voice of individuals can play the role of accountability due to which they can judge whether the step they have taken is right or wrong.
Negative persons' inner voice is a dangerous thing for him because it can spoil him.
The inner voice is in your head and it should be in your control else you can suffer from troubles. In case of positive character, you can control your inner voice without being a hurdle in the way of goal achievement. Moreover it can be a helping thing to succeed in life. You can meet successful people and read their success stories which will help you in controlling your inner voice.
Whenever you decide to do a work there are more than one options. You should evaluate them and find out the right option for you to choose. Our words are our thoughts and express our feelings and the way of thinking. When an individual does not listen his inner voice then he can move away from the goal. A person knows himself more than anybody else so he can reach better decision with the help of his inner voice.
Success in Life []

How to Wake Up Early in the Morning?

I always get different answers when I ask people "How many hours of sleep do they really need?" Different people need different hours of sleep. It actually depends mainly on their body structure, their health and their work but on an average we need 7 to 8 hours of sleep.
I normally go to sleep around 10:30 pm and wake up at 5:30 in the morning. Many people get surprise when they hear that I wake up so early in the morning. I reply that they can also get up early. I have just followed simple steps which I have mentioned below. What you really need is discipline and commitment.
Decide your time to wake up before you go to sleep.
Have you ever noticed that many times when you have some urgent work next day morning you get up before your alarm wakes you up. This happens because you have thought of urgency before you go to sleep. Unconsciously you tell your mind to wake you up early.
Our subconscious mind is more powerful just before we go to sleep. You need to tell your mind just before going to sleep at what time you want to get up next day. When we are in sleep we think about getting up early and as a result our mind ring its alarm and you get up early. Our mind is the most powerful alarm in the world. Try this today, tell a specific time you want to get up in the morning and tell it to your mind just before you go to sleep. Do let me know your result.
Do not press snooze in your alarm.
I have had a bad habit of pressing snooze in my alarm for more than 5 times which resulted in laziness. Whenever I had to get up early I used to keep alarm of 30 minutes before time. You might have notice that you feel more sleep after get up and sleep again. You will feel lazier.
Just wake up from bed as soon as your alarm rings. You will feel more active and your laziness will go away. Don't give your mind a chance to think of sleep instead of that give a thought of excitement for new day. This will help to keep you energetic entire day. As I told you subconscious mind is more powerful before going to sleep and also just after you wake up.
Experience the freshness of morning.
Open the window and take deep breath in the morning. You will feel like you are a free bird flying in the sky. Believe me you won't get this feeling in any other part of the day. The air is most fresh in the morning. When you take deep breathe you actually intake more of pure oxygen.
Morning gives you new hope, it gives you new excitement and it gives you fresh solutions to your problems because your mind is calm. You might have spent hours on problem at night which you could resolve in minutes in the morning because you are fresh in the morning. Once you get habit of feeling fresh you will never sleep till late, not even on weekends.
Do Workout or Yoga in the morning.
According to me the real meaning of the morning is to get ready for your entire day. You can charge your body through workout or Yoga, whichever inspire you. When you do workout or yoga, your blood circulation improves and all parts of your body get good amount of oxygen.
If you want to lose weight then morning is the best time to do exercise. Make it a habit to exercise daily and you will see the great result. You can either go to gym or you can do it at your home but make sure you don't lose your interest. You can try different kind of exercises. You can also try Yoga. It gives you peace of mind and healthy body. You can also go to walk. Try to walk either in garden or where you can see greenery. Spend some time with Mother Nature. It will rejuvenate you.
Once you are used to the benefits of above you will never want the laziness again. If you wake up continuously for 21 days then it will become your habit and you won't even need an alarm. Me and my parent wakes up every day at 6:00 am without any alarm. We have conditioned our mind in such a way that we get up early in the morning. You can use your spare time to get in to any activities you like. Your productivity also increases. Just follow the simple steps mentioned above and you will become an "Early Riser".
Do let me know if you any questions.
Samir Kunvaria have studied many techniques of self improvement and invites you to view more articles on []

How to Deal with Your Stress and Live Healthier

By Harvey Greenberg

Work due dates, loads of laundry, monthly bills, a rigorous boss- these may all become sources of anxiety. The not so good news is there will always be due dates and the laundry will never wash itself, however what is great is there are techniques to reduce, handle, and cope with the stresses in your life.

Continue reading and learn five easy techniques on how you can decrease if not eliminate stress.

1. Distinguish the source

The first action to eliminate stress is to identify the sources and the contributing factors of stress that you are experiencing. To help you properly know your source of stress, keep a stress diary. Write down anything in there whenever you feel stressed out together with what is triggering your stress and how you feel about it. Turn to your log to pinpoint which are your stressors. This will help you prepare what you can do and be ready the moment they come back your way once again.

Lots of folks deal with their stress by smoking, drinking alcohol and watching way too much TV which aren't healthful nor beneficial by any means.. Handle your stress in a healthy way as you see it match with your personality and way of living.

2. Get rid of added stress

"Is this task worthy of the stress I am experiencing?" Ask yourself thoughts like this to assist you to decide concerns in the proper viewpoint.

You should know when you need to say NO. Understand your limits and stay off adapting it all the time. Delegate work to others. Your wish to undertake all the things and please everyone will undoubtedly cause you a lot of stress.

Take a look at your very long to-do list and indicate which ones should be at the very top of your priorities. Jobs which appear to be not as essential, write them at the bottom of the page or if likely part with them entirely.

3. Always keep healthy

Going through the persistent demand of stress is not just mentally tiring but physically risky also. The weakening of your body's defense mechanisms makes you more prone to a variety of diseases. The body can immediately battle the hazardous consequences of stress if it is fit and healthy.

Exercise is beneficial for dealing with stress because it relieves tension and stimulates the release of serotonin. This hormone could help boost your spirits and drive away depression. Physical exercise similarly has an exclusive technique of helping build up amount of resistance to stress.

Other than getting a nutritious diet, there are also specific healthy foodstuff that can battle stress and improve mood. Nuts, dark chocolate, spinach, oranges, warm milk and fish are examples of these.

Don't forget to have adequate relaxation and slumber too. The physical body must revitalise right after and recover from stressful functions.

4. Activate your senses

Stimulating your sense of smell, sight, sound, taste, and/or touch can be a great way to lessen and take care of your stress. When pressured, test these guidelines according to whether you are an aesthetic individual or are considerably more sensitive to sound, touch, smell or taste.

Sight: Have a glimpse of a photograph of your friend or favorite vacation destination; Check out the green leaves or blue sky outside the house then close your eyes and loosen up

Sound: Hum or sing a favourite tune; tune in to the sound of mother nature

Smell: Sprinkle your favorite aroma; light an aromatic candle

Taste: Drink a cup of joe or green tea; chew on sugar free gum

Touch: Squeeze a stress ball; grant yourself a body massage

5. Sit and rest using the infrared sauna

Stress can lead to body imbalances since the central nervous system undergoes chemical changes including the discharge of extra hormones. Prolonged out of balance hormone levels have detrimental effects to the physical body when tension is not controlled.

Infrared sauna focuses on the autonomic nervous system so reestablishing the stability in the body's hormone levels. Furthermore, far infrared sauna triggers the launch of the "feel good" hormone named endorphin. Its penetrating warmth in addition reaches deep to massage complex and stiff muscle groups leaving behind you with a calm, soothed, and invigorated feeling.

Exercise these 5 verified stress releasing strategies now and you will soon be feeling joyful, at peace, and calm.

About the Author:

The Greatest Power - Positive Thinking

Law of Attraction:

Not all human beings in this world are good enough to succeed in life by his own experience. Sometimes all of us need a little experience and advice to live our lives in a right way and what can be achieved by learning from the experiences of others.

On a personal level, I think everyone can make a difference in his life. However, some people on this earth can really get that spark that we wanted to get a head start on life.

Views on life were conducted in book form video. The mantra that success is the law of attraction: it is, in general, think and act positive belief in a positive and strong you think that you need to accomplish. Only positive thinking and a strong mind and good heart to help us humans to aspire and achieve great things in our lives. Some books tell us that what makes a person meets all your needs moral and ethical by the power of positive thinking. Normally, all human beings tend to reproduce what they imagine sometimes listen to motivational speakers tends to give a lot of inspiration and curiously also has this strange power to make things come true.
It tickles the cells present in us to be drawn into the world instead of living off of it. Surely, if a negative thought arises in a man, he will never be able to accomplish a task.

 But on the other hand, if it is full of positive thoughts can complete even the most difficult. He voluntarily gives successful unit in our thoughts and our actions. It only acts as a motivating factor in the form of words, but these words deep in our hearts and show us the way to success.

How to Get What You Want in Six Steps

Do you want to know a very simple formula for getting whatever you want in life?
This is so simple it seems trivial when you first hear it, but few people follow it, and if you do follow it, you can create anything you want in life. There are six steps to this formula.
Step One is to know where you are. This means you evaluate your circumstances honestly and become clear about exactly where you are. It also means you don't beat yourself up for where you are, or feel victimized if you don't like where you are. You just know where you are. If you want to get to China, you can't really start traveling until you know where you are. If you don't know where you are, how will you know what direction to go?
Step Two is to know where you want to be. This is a big one. You have to know where you want to go, or what you want, before you can set out to go there or get it. If you just say, "I want to go somewhere," you wouldn't have enough information to know what to do, what action to take. If you said, "I want to go East," that would be a little better, since you'd at least know what direction to go. However, you would not know when you got there? The more specific you are, the more you'll know what to do, how to start, and how to know when you get there.
Step Three is to take action. This is a huge stumbling block for many people. How do you know what action to take? You see someone who is already successful and you say to them, "Sure, it's easy for you. You know what to do." Here's a big secret, and very few people know it. The successful person doesn't know what to do any more than you do, unless he or she is doing something for the second time. Almost no one knows what to do when they do something for the first time.
Take your best guess, but DO SOMETHING
Step Four is to evaluate the results of the action. You could call this The Dr. Phil Step, where you say, "How's that workin' for you?" You take some sort of action, no matter how pathetic it might be, and then you check and see what happened. If you made some progress, you might want to do some more of the same action. If not, you ask yourself what other action you might take. If you made some progress but not a lot, you might ask yourself how to improve the action you took in order to make it work better. Whatever you do, you will learn something. Take enough action and you will become very wise.
Step Five is to refine the action, based on the evaluation you just made. Now your refined action might be just as pathetic as the first action, or it might be better. It doesn't matter. After you take stock of your first action and take your best shot at refining and improving it, take action again. This idea of taking action is the key. Don't just stand there, do something, no matter what it is.
Obviously, the better the action the faster you'll get the result, but I'll let you in on something that people who wait and wait and wait to act don't realize: You learn a thousand times more from a bad action than you do from waiting until you think you have everything figured out. When you act, you really find out what works and what doesn't work. Before you act, you're just guessing.
Step Six is to keep repeating steps 3, 4, and 5, to continue acting, evaluating the results, and refining your action until you get to where you want to go.
If you follow these six steps, you can have anything you want in life, and along the way you'll become a very wise individual.
Bill Schoeffler is a business consultant and coach with 20 years of experience working with small business owners and individuals. Bill's unique background includes engineering, financial analysis, and inter-personal skills. Bill is a master NLP Practitioner. He can be reached at (707) 324-5531 x 3 or You can find out more at

Learn How to Cure Stress and Anxiety Naturally and Enjoy a Happy Life

Whether we like it or not stress is a natural part of life. It is actually what spurs many individuals to take on and complete their various tasks. However, stress can build over time, it can become unbearable if left unattended for to very long. Allowing stress to build without doing anything to relieve it can cause all sorts of mental, emotional and physical problems. Many individuals may try to reduce the feelings of stress they experience by taking prescription medications. However, you can learn how to cure stress and anxiety naturally.
When you are suffering from the overwhelming feelings of stress and anxiety can cause you to spend many a sleepless night, terrible headaches and fatigue. It can cause tension and even feelings of worthlessness and depression. However, when you learn to do some of the things that can naturally cure your stress and anxiety, you can practice them on a daily basis to help you overcome the way you feel. Many times stress can cause you to feel a loss of control. However, you can learn how to regain your control over various situations as well as the way you feel.
For instance, some of the things you can so to cure stress and anxiety naturally include, taking the time to learn how to relax. You can use different types of techniques and methods that will assist you in achieving a stress-free live. One example is that of learning breathing techniques that will help you gain self-control and relieve stress. Breathing techniques are not difficult, you simply learn how to do them properly and then practice them on a daily basis or when you feel, you need to calm yourself and relive tension and anxiety. You can learn how to meditate and then combine your meditation practices with breathing techniques.
Another means to use to help cure stress and anxiety naturally is that of using aromatherapy candles during your day and especially while you are taking a nice, long hot soak in the tub. Bathing is actually another great idea that can help reduce the feelings of stress and anxiety. You can actually feel stress and tension washing away from you while bathing and aromatherapy candles are very resourceful for relieving tension and stress. The use of essential oils in your bathwater is another great way to relieve the stress and tension you are feeling.
You can cure stress and anxiety naturally by taking some time to relax with a cup of hot herbal tea. Having a balanced diet, while including an active exercise program are also good ways to help you feel balanced and in control. Making sure that you gets a good night of rest and sleep can go a long way to helping you feel better. The body takes advantage of being asleep by healing any ills. It is a good means of relieving any tension in muscles as well.
You can use different programs to cure stress and anxiety naturally. For instance, there are eBooks and audio books that are very resourceful for helping you overcome the feelings of stress and tension. When you learn how to cure stress and anxiety naturally, you will be able to enjoy a fulfilling and happy life.
T S Gill is a researcher. He aims to help people solve their health problems fast and naturally. Imagine yourself when stress is not your concern and you are the leader in every stressful situation. To Learn How to cure stress fast, naturally and enjoy life go to: []

How to Build Self Esteem Using the Voice Inside Your Head

All of us could stand to learn a little more about how to build self esteem, and plenty of us are trying to find more information about this topic. Recent accounts show that there are more than 25,000 books and articles on the subject, and a Google Search shows well over 2 million hits for self-esteem searches.
Well, with all of this information available then why is there still such a demand? One possible answer is that everyone is looking in the wrong place. Instead of searching Google for the answers, or reading the latest book on the subject, consider that the answer might be the voice in your own head.
If you have ever called someone a bad name out loud, perhaps you were angry for something they did and called them stupid or an idiot, how to you think it made them feel? Maybe you have been called a name by someone and know firsthand how bad you felt. Well, consider that the voice inside your head can have the same impact on your self-esteem and how you view all areas of your life. The words you speak, both externally and internally, and the things you say have a tremendous impact on yourself and others.
Have you ever called yourself a name? Ever called yourself a dummy over something you did, or didn't do at work? Ever caught a glimpse of yourself in a mirror and told yourself that you were to fat, to old, to gray? Well all of these "comments" have a negative effect on your self-esteem, but you can learn how to build self esteem simply by changing this dialogue. 
The comments we make to ourselves, what the voice inside our heads say is being process by our subconscious minds and our mind begins to take action. If we call ourselves a dummy then our subconscious mind takes the necessary steps to ensure that this in fact comes to our reality.   We begin to think and act like a dummy, others will view us as a dummy, and over time all of the characteristics and actions associated with a dummy will come into our lives.
Over time what we say to ourselves becomes a belief. For example, if we constantly repeat to ourselves "I am loved" we will feel this love and it will impact all aspects of our lives. Our relationships will improve and we will be blessed with love in all its many shapes, sizes, and forms. Others will view us as a person that is loving and in turn give to us these same gifts.
Learning how to build self esteem begins by changing the language inside our head. These thoughts are easily within our control, and by taking control and using positive thoughts instead of negative thoughts our self-esteem will grow. The positive messages inside our head will also translate into us using positive language externally as well, the words we speak to others will be more positive. A "snowball" affect will take place and we will begin to experience more positive aspects in all areas of our lives, and our self-esteem will grow and grow.
For a no-nonsense approach on to how to build self esteem [] and to learn about a Road Map to a BETTER life, visit []

The Power Of Self Confidence

The Power of Self-Confidence Is there any quality so attractive, so appealing, so admirable as self-confidence? Individuals with this characteristic seem to exude a sort of aura that draws others to them. They are powerful, strong, enthusiastic, decisive but often enjoyable to be around.For every person with impressive self-confidence, there are a number who suffer from a lack of that very quality. Are you one of them?
Mediocrity and poor performance are often due to low self-confidence but is not something you have to live with. Confidence is a learned trait, not something we are born with. It's not like the color of our eyes or the height of our bodies. It is something that can be impacted and developed over a fairly short period of time to being well above average, yet often people shy away from the chance as they consider themselves not worthy of a better life. You own psyche can be influenced beneficially by you, creating a stronger sense of self-worth and a higher overall quality of life. Things can only annoy you, upset you, or affect you in any way, if you give it permission to.
Self-confidence gives you the ability to carry out your daily tasks with energy and certainty. So many people are just wading through life with a feeling of hesitancy or shyness; the self-confident person seems to glide on the surface. With a few small achievements under your belt, they soon multiply and create a new confidence from deep within you. You blossom and open yourself up to new experiences and enjoyable activities like opening a cellar door, bringing light to the gloom and mire of the depths. You actually create your own "luck" by being the kind of person who craves adventure, calculated risk, and the promise of great rewards. You don't gamble with your new found skills, you never risk anything unnecessary, but you now feel happier to take counsel and make decisions.
Fake it until you make it. Like many behaviors, projecting self-confidence is something that grows into a pattern over time. Even if you start out feeling uncertain and hesitant, simply give the impression that you really are pumped full of confidence. For the time being you will fool others into thinking that you are as assertive and ambitious as you seem, and in time you will "trick" yourself into believing it, too. But beware the arrogance this can sometimes encourage. Use the power of affirmations and the Universal Laws to your advantage.
You may also want to start by visualising yourself as a more self-confident individual. Imagine the way you will walk, talk and think when you have raised your self-confidence to a high level. Focus on that picture and with time it will become a reality!
Self-confidence is a strange thing. The more you feel it, the more it thrives and grows. A seedling of confidence will blossom over time into a healthy plant! So the key is to start off with at least some small task that you can accomplish and feel good about. Plan a schedule of activities where you challenge yourself on an increasing level of difficulty but at your own pace. Set a concrete goal for yourself that you know you will be able to obtain. It doesn't matter how seemingly insignificant it is--the point is simply to suffuse yourself with that feeling of achievement, so that you can experience it and start to grow it into something larger and more all-encompassing. Then do the same but dream a little bigger this time.
Self Confidence Tips1) How to Feel Good When You Need to
Scientists have stated that self confidence and feeling good has a major 'hormonal' element, you can change the way you feel by re-living good times. If you can remember a time you felt really self confident, then excellent - use that! If not, then use a time you felt contented or happy. Taking deliberate control of your thoughts and emotions will have a huge impact on your self confidence and other areas of your life.
2) Beating Self Consciousness, Confidence Enemy No.1
Despite the fact that self awareness is useful for learning about the impact you have on others, too much self consciousness is the No.1 enemy of self confidence. The trick is keeping your attention off yourself when you need to. Here's how...
a) When you feel self-conscious, (you can usually tell because you start to feel anxious), choose something outside of yourself to focus on and study it in detail. For example: examine a door, look at the different textures and shades of colour, wonder about who made it and how and so on. The important thing is that you're learning how to keep your attention off yourself.
It is a good idea to practice this technique in private first. Just sit quietly, practising focusing firstly on your own thoughts and then deliberately focusing outwards onto a picture or piece of furniture.
b) Social self confidence can be difficult to find sometimes because it is unclear what you are 'supposed to do'. In this event, concentrate on what your purpose in the situation is. Whether you're there to:

  • - find out if you like the other people present
  • - make others feel comfortable
  • - find out some information
  • - make business contacts
  • - and so on...

  • It's much more difficult to feel self-conscious if your mind is occupied with a task. An excellent task is listening and trying not to talk over or talk back to the person with whom you are talking. Everyone likes to talk about themselves, and a simple tactic is to use the acronym FORM. Ask them about Family, Occupation, Recreation and finally Monetary Goals (retirement plans, their children's university plans or ask for advice on their investment strategy!).
    People are often most comfortable with others when working towards a common goal. The common goal of socializing could be making friends, the exchange of mutually beneficial information; expanding your knowledge of different types of people... it could be whatever you want it to be! The key is to have a strategic goal and a tactical objective along with landmarks along the way to identify your progress.
    3) Watch Out for Undue Criticism - Especially Your Own!
    Have you noticed that people will speak to themselves in a way they would never speak to others? You know the sort of thing - you break a glass and it's "You stupid idiot. You can't do anything right can you?" This type of criticism leaves the receiver feeling upset or depressed is rarely useful and sticks in the memory because it was said by someone close to you... you!
    Challenging your own assumptions about yourself and other people can really help build self confidence. Here's a few to get you started: Those confident-looking people have bad moments too - you just don't get to hear about them!
    If you feel as if you lack confidence, it doesn't mean other people can tell. They're often too caught up with their 'own stuff' to notice!
    If you catch yourself saying things to yourself like "I'm no good at anything" then rest assured, you're no good at stating the truth about that. Everyone can compose a sentence, get successfully to the store, eat without choking and do a million other things. Emotion can make things seem hopeless when they rarely are.
    Don't let yourself make sweeping statements about yourself - in the long run it is this sort of thing that can really damage your self image. If this happens, say to yourself calmly and gently, "Hold on a minute, that's not true". If you can come up with some evidence that disproves the sweeping statement, then even better. It may take a bit of effort at first, but the impact on your self confidence levels is huge.
    Building self esteem is not just about thinking good of yourself, it's about not thinking bad without reason! Just because you have felt bad about yourself in the past doesn't mean you're always going to feel that way. I have seen hundreds of people surprise themselves once they have learned how to build self confidence in a way that it stays built!
    The important thing is to get away from asking yourself disempowering questions like; "Why did that happen?", or "Why do I feel this way?", "Why does this always happen to me?" Replace those questions by using 'moving towards' questions like; "How would I like to feel?", "In what situations do I feel confident?", "What lessons can I learn from this?, "What is good about this situation?", "What have I achieved by doing this?" or, "What do I need to learn in order to have better self confidence in this situation?"
    Persevere and don't expect everything at once. Really learn how to develop your self confidence by following the tips from this site and the free Self Confidence Course and notice the small differences as they happen. Building good self confidence is a wonderful thing, and it's much easier than you'd imagine.
    Lee Werrell is CEO of Zaxx Worldwide a Multi-National Company Based in The UK.From Personal & Professional Development - mobile phones, Ipod and phone accessories, java games and ringtones and Web Promotion. An author of articles concerning many subjects Lee generally uses self development or technology as hios main focus.

    Test Yourself - Are You Suffering From Anxiety and Panic Attacks?

    Have you struggled with anxious thoughts that will not stop? Do you ever feel uncomfortable in enclosed spaces such as supermarkets, cinemas, public transport or even sitting at the hair dressers? Are you nervous and on edge in normal situations that never bothered you before? You could be suffering from anxiety and panic attacks.
    I discovered I was suffering from anxiety and panic attacks when one day I felt a sudden shortness of breath and pain in my chest. I was sure I was going through a heart attack. I ran to the ER only to find that nothing is wrong in my heart and it is all in my head... I had a severe anxiety attack.
    Test yourself: Are you suffering from anxiety and panic attacks?
    People who suffer from anxiety and panic sometimes feel like they have a heart attack or they are going crazy, with no clear reason. They may feel palpitations, chest pain or pressure, sweating, feelings of stinging, burning internal tremors, feeling of shortness of breath, fear of death or fear of losing control. These feelings reach a peek within about 10 minutes and include at least 4 of the following symptoms (without a medical reason):
    1. Palpitations
    2. Shortness of breath
    3. A feeling of suffocation
    4. A sense of danger
    5. The need to escape
    6. Tremors o Dizziness
    7. Cold or heat waves
    8. Pain, stinging or discomfort in the chest
    9. Nausea or digestive discomfort
    10. A sense that things are not realistic.
    11. Fear of losing control o Fear of death
    When do anxiety and panic attacks happen?
    Anxiety attacks can appear suddenly, without warning what so ever. They can appear in certain situations, like inside a closed elevator, during driving on a bridge, or while talking in front of an audience. But they can also appear without any kind of trigger, completely out of the blue. Even when not experiencing anxiety attack, the person can become more and more nervous and worried and try to be prepared physically and mentally to the next attack. This contributes to more anxiety and feeds anxiety attacks - into full blown panic disorder.
    Millions of people from all walks of life deal with anxiety and panic attacks everyday. Fortunately, there's a proven, effective, natural method to permanently eliminate anxiety and panic attacks.
    It's a cognitive-behavioral technique that has already helped thousands of sufferers around the world. For a limited time, you can find out what it is for free - at

    Time Management and Planning Tips

    "I must govern the clock, not be governed by it." ~Golda Meir
    "Time is one thing that can never be retrieved. One may lose and regain friends. One may lose and regain money. Opportunity, once spurned, may come again. But the hours that are lost in idleness can never be brought back to be used in gainful pursuits" ~Winston Churchill
    We all have the same amount of time in a day, no ifs ands or buts. Some people are able to get so much done in their days while others seem to flounder and barely get meals done. We all have 24 hours in a day, 7 days a week. What we do in those minutes, in those hours determines where our time goes, how our days are spent. Simple? Yes and no. What do others do with their time that allows them to get so much more done? What is the secret? I believe it involves planning.
    Planning is the best time saver there is. Take time one day a week and look at what is coming up for you. Are there appointments that must be kept? Are there any birthdays, holidays, special activities, games and/or practices this week? Take notes, either mental or written of the things that you have to keep during the next week. Also, look ahead at things that are coming. You don't want to wait until the week before something to take action for special events that are coming. If you have a birthday that is coming up for someone that is three weeks away, you can add some prep for the birthday this week. Now you can look ahead and schedule those things into your week this week. Even if you just bought some plates and streamers and candles for the birthday that is coming up, you are a little more prepared. It also doesn't take such a big bite out of the money at once. By looking ahead and doing some simple planning, you aren't leaving things for the last minute. This is something that those people who seem to be on top of things all the time do; they don't leave things until the last minute and make sure they know what is coming up. They stay ahead of the game.
    You can use an elaborate day planner system, printable calendar pages, a wall calendar, desk calendar, pocket calendar, etc., to do your planning. To be honest, I just use a very simple system right now. All appointments that we need to keep get wrote on one wall calendar. As soon as they are made or as soon as I know, I write them on that calendar. I also have a household notebook (also known as a household management notebook, family notebook and I am sure other names) where I do my planning. With 5 children, my dh's birthday and our anniversary plus all of the holidays that come up, I need a place to keep ideas, suggestions, and plans for what is coming up.
    Since I homeschool and stay home, my days aren't full of outside activities or lots of meetings. I use a basic daily schedule and try to follow that as closely as I can. I have devotions, exercise, grooming, cleaning, cooking, meal prep, and of course schooling on my schedule. We don't follow this exactly, on the dot, everyday. It is a guide to our day. You might need something different. What works for me might not work exactly for you and vice versa. A plan is a good idea for everyone no matter how busy or not busy we are. If you are a busy person with lots of meetings, a daily schedule probably isn't going to work for you. A day planner of some sort would be a good idea where you can pencil in your meetings and various appointments. Your weekly planning session would be longer than mine but still very important for both of us. But, be flexible with your plan. Remember you are not a slave to your planner. It is there to serve you. If your time management system isn't working, tweak it. I know I said a lot in these few paragraphs, but I feel that they are important if we want to get a hold on our time and make the most of it.
    25 Time Management Tips:
    1. Keep a time log. Take a piece of paper and fold in half. Write the hours you are awake on the paper. Now, write what you do during those hours. You are able to see where your time is going and what you are spending it on. This really helps you keep track of where your time is going. Do this whenever you feel like you can't keep up with everything.
    2. Know what your values are and live them. Who do you want to be? What do you want to do? Where do you want to go in life? Your life can feel miserable and empty if we aren't living a life that flows with our values and priorities.
    3. Learn to say no to what is not in your mission or your values. Many of us have yes syndrome. That is where we say yes to too many people when we know we should politely say no.
    4. Do the best you can now. Focus on the moment, or focus on the task at hand (as a former Pastor I was under used to say). If you are working, focus on the work, get it done. Same as when you are relaxing. Focusing on the moment is a good habit to learn. Enjoy yourself now, no matter what it is that you are doing.
    5. Forgive yourself for the past, don't hold onto past mistakes. How often do we waste time for mistakes that we made in the past? If you can learn from it, then learn and let go. Not only is it freeing, now you aren't wasting time by holding onto something you can't change, you aren't spending time worrying about it.
    6. Listen to audio books while in the car. One thing that I would like to do is have a cd player in the van (yeah, it is a little behind the times) and put in audio books for all us to listen to. Those of you who can, use that time in the car to listen to books that you would like to read or when the kids are in the car, put in a family favorite audio book and enjoy a family read-aloud time while going down the road.
    7. Use a planner. It can be a cheap homemade one, one purchased at Wal*Mart to an expensive one you ordered online. I use one that I made myself. It used a 3-ring binder and print paper. I have made this work for me
    8. Get ready earlier than you think you need to. Leave earlier than you think you need to leave. How many of us put those things off until the last possible minute and then are rushing and stressed because we are going to be late? The concept is simple and should be relatively easy to implement. It will require you to make yourself conscious of what you are doing and why. This will result in less rushing around the house and yelling and a less stressful drive.
    9. Us the time while you are on the phone to do something. You can clean out your purse, organize a drawer, straighten your desk, etc.
    10. Make up a meal plan and follow it. Also, doing things ahead of time will cut down on frantic dinners and eating out. You can do something as simple as browning extra ground beef and freezing it to actually doing OAMC.
    11. Create a before bed routine and actually follow it. This is a big morning rush saver. If you follow this one thing, you will see a big change in your morning. I have been doing this for years and love it.
    12. Stop putting things off. Procrastination is a bad habit to get into and hard to get out of. People who are on top of things, aren't late to appointments, have time to make meals for other families, reach out to neighbors, etc, are people who don't procrastinate. Procrastination is a time stealer, joy robber and doesn't let you have peace of mind. Do whatever it is that you have been putting off and you will feel better when it is done.
    13. Reduce the amount of time you spend watching TV. The television set is a big time zapper. We use a device like a Tivo and also closely monitor what we allow into the house. With the Tivo, we are able to watch a show that we like whenever we have time and skip all of the commercials.
    14. If you need to call someone who really talks, call when you know you might be able to get off the phone quickly. An example would be, around meal time and late in the day. Also, if you don't need to speak to them directly, you can always call when they aren't home and leave a message on their answering machine.
    15. Use your body clock. When are you most productive? When are you the least productive? Plan the items that require the most energy from you when you have the most energy. And the same with your least energetic time of day. I am least energetic at night so I try to not do much then. That means that I need to get as much done before then.
    16. With your priorities in mind, make a checklist of things you want to accomplish each day. Glance over your goals each day and then prioritize your list.
    17. Clean your desk off at the end of the day. Put everything away, and when you go to it the next day, everything is properly organized and straightened. Who likes to start a day amidst a mess?
    18. Keep a calendar at your desk. I have one hanging above my desk but have also used a desk calendar. Right important dates on there and appointments. Now you can see what is coming up at a quick glance.
    19. Don't put it down, put it away. One of the reason we have so many paper piles is because, well, we pile it. All junk should go immediately in the trash. Mail should have a place to go, and only keep what is needed. Have a designated area for paper and make sure it gets there.
    20. Continually reevaluate your system. If something is working, toss it. If you see that someone does something differently, give it a try. Read books on the subject and change what you think will work. Nothing is written in concrete, it can be changed, adapted whenever needed.
    21. Once a week clean out your purse and organizer.
    22. Always put away whatever you are using when you are done with it. We waste so much time looking for things because we didn't put them away when were finished with them. Have a place for your keys, purse, cell phone, etc.
    23. Delegate! This is something that we should be doing. When a mother does all of the household duties, she isn't delegating enough. This isn't meant to say that we shouldn't do work, but when we are picking up after everyone, doing everything for every meal, all parts of laundry chores, etc. then we are doing too much by ourselves. Two or more people can accomplish more than one can.
    24. Believe in yourself. We are more times than not, our own worst enemy. I know you have heard this before, if you don't believe in you, who will?
    25. Let go of perfectionism. Not everything has to be done perfectly and some things are out of your control.
    "You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it." ~Charles Burton
    "Everything becomes different when we choose to take control rather than be controlled. We experience a new sense of freedom, growth and energy." Dr. Eric Allenbaugh
    Jennifer, wife to Randy, mom to 5 wonderful kids.