
Overcoming Pessimistic Mindset

More often than not, people who have positive outlook in life have greater chance to succeed than their pessimistic counterparts. The reason behind this is actually simple and obvious: motivation. Without enough positive impetus, people tend to be ether self-destructing or self-defeating in their attitudes toward challenging situations. How can anybody actually succeed without first believing that they have the capacity to succeed?
Pessimism-depression connection
Not unless a person is clinically depressed or has a bi-polar personality, there is no need for medications. Depression is a form of pessimism but pessimism itself does not always manifest itself as depression. Negative mindset may also manifest as lack of motivation to pursue worthwhile things simply because they are difficult.
Defeating negativism is the first step in actually achieving something significant. On one hand, pessimism is a form of coping mechanism of trying to justify failure or to avoid failure. It is usually coupled with laziness and procrastination. Many pessimistic individuals are also fond of blaming others rather than admitting their own inadequacies and taking responsibility for their actions.
Pessimism may eventually spiral down to depression if the situation becomes worse. For instance, a pessimistic person may become depressed with the realization of being a failure in life.
Know thyself
Combating pessimism is a psychological struggle that can only be won by examining the self. Acknowledging limitations is good but discovering potentials is much better. A person who is caught in pessimistic attitude should try to emphasize all the positive attributes of himself or herself. Listing all of these down can help.
Knowing one's self is difficult but not impossible. It may require the critical assessment of the current situation and recalling the progress made in the past. A turning point or key event may be identified as the main trigger for the current pessimism. Perhaps an initial failure on attempting something really important triggered the loss of interest.
Associating with positive-minded people will help in overcoming personal pessimism. Finding friends that are supportive and motivated can boost self-confidence. Becoming a member of cause-oriented groups and charitable organizations may also help finding better focus.
People who focus on helping others find better sense of fulfillment. Socializing with optimistic and idealistic people can be life-changing. Even in a workplace, it is better to be part of highly-motivated and dynamic teams rather than working alone.
Take action
Inaction or insufficient action usually leads to pessimism and vice-versa. It is better to start immediately on a task or goal rather than being occupied over-analyzing the negative consequences. One must realize that taking action to fulfill aspirations is a learning process.
Eliminating procrastinations and being pro-active will reduce if not totally eliminate self doubts and fears. By being busy working on a worthy goal will divert the mind from dwelling too much on avoiding failure. One must realize that any worthwhile goal will require effort and investment of time and other resources. Pessimism can be overcome by eliminating idleness.
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