
how To Be Happy ?

Happiness is a state of mind, so that his mood at the moment that makes the difference.

You have to ask yourself, is what you want, what will make you happy?

If the answer is yes, does that mean they do not have to be good enough?

We spend our lives looking, looking for a better job, a better house, a better car, a better relationship, at times, for many people it is a full-time, "always search!

It seems to be a vicious circle for many of us, since the last job was the best because it is not somehow lost its appeal, as when you bought your car, it would make you happy, but that was only for a short time, quickly became disgruntled once saw another newer model, so the car was your dream car is no longer a dream.

Where does he?

Well the answer is simple, ends exactly where it begins in your mind.

Back on what you've done or what you've done in your life that makes you really happy, it was something that was a fad or had more to do with being with people, go to a special place, listen music, being on your own?

Anyway, you can retrieve it? Can you reproduce that feeling?

The answer to your past and future happiness belongs to you, only you can make you happy just because you control your thoughts, others may have an impact, but do not forget that your thoughts are, so think happy be happy.

Success Strategies - The Secrets Of The Success Power Of Small, Simple, Adjustments

Success sometimes it takes a little simple, and not very big. A small tweak, not a major change.

And one of the most powerful success strategies is the power of small, simple adjustments can make huge leaps in his life.

SMALL word means:

"The success (s) Adjustments (through) a lot (of) Littles."

Many times we tend to see the great things that you have to adjust and change. It could be personality, goals, communication and leadership. There is nothing wrong with that it takes many times to successfully rebuild a structure inside. And there are good reasons to do so. Especially when you lead an organization that has thousands of people.

But performs itself is a completely different story and requires "Many Littles." Small changes are easy to make and very effective.

Why do people take the time to do what is often not necessary for success in your career?

They tend to complicate easy changes. They tend to blend perfectly clear.

We're wasting our time trying to find success in trying to reinvent ourselves, to small, simple adjustment would do wonders. Small adjustments to what you think, say and do on your way to success on a daily basis.

A small, simple, for your thought, understand that controlling your thoughts, and be aware that someone else made that influenced you. Just make a small adjustment in their perception of his thought.

Imagine that your mind has a DVD player, and can be put on the DVD of a movie you want. Instead of watching the DVD of the poor life weakness, failure, and probably you need to set the DVD with a powerful, effective and day life, and failure is not an option.

DVD is either "Victoria double a day!"

Or DVD means "daily Victim discouraged."

It all depends on what you put in your mind and DVD you want to see in the course of the day. A small, simple, setting a film success can mean the difference of $ 100,000 per year in revenue.

A small, simple, put his words would get rid of negative words, and any foul language. Easy to do, if you put your mind to it. Start by talking with a positive and get rid of any language that does not serve its successful approach.

Start talking about possibilities, not problems. Start talking about what you do, not what you do not know what to do. Start making a small adjustment to the action of his words, and make sure they are focused on, not to challenge the merger. Start by talking to your future success, not mediocrity like most people.

Use words like "shall" and "must" instead of power and possible. These are the types of small and simple adjustments that can create a powerful communication style in everything you do.

A small, simple, worthy of their acts would be committed to what you're struggling to start, but the baby walk it. Just to break even the simplest tasks into small steps, and enter one by one with ease. We tend to try to take massive action that can often be overwhelming, intimidating and discouraging.

We believe that the success of the strategy of "success up Baby it's easy to create success in your life, and we are small, simple and effective. Is not what you think to do, or say you do, but you do what is important and are often small and simple adjustments in their actions can make a big difference in your success.

I do not intend to work long hours and get bogged down in the details of things. Take small steps and effective to produce the results you want, do not normally take. Any success is, and always will be, it is the "small steps of action" has been taken, and when combined with the results, produce the success you are looking for.

Effective strategies are essential, and a successful strategy of small and simple adjustments to what you think, say or do over a period of time can make a big difference in your personal success strategies and success.

You can baby yourself into the success of this strategy successfully!

10 Sure fire Self Esteem And Self Improvement Tips

When it comes to improving self-esteem, they usually mean confidence. While the two are related, they are exactly the same. Self-esteem has to do with self-esteem and self-confidence. This is how we see ourselves in relationship with others and our environment. It has nothing to do with vanity or pride.

Low self-esteem is a major problem and a quality grading. Rich and poor are affected by it and people choose between happiness and unhappiness because of it. If self-esteem is an area of ​​life that need improvement, here are some tips that you can use to build your own value and improve the perception of himself:

1. Know what you want. Impossible to assess where you are in your journey if you have no idea what I have in life. Nor can judge whether you have done a good job or just so-so.

Set clear and achievable goals. Make sure these are the things we want to do and achieve, and not things that their parents, relatives, friends and colleagues insist that "should" have. Is it only the latest trends dictate their aspirations? If this is the case, will never catch up and be satisfied. You can not claim their own goals, as if we recognize that things really, really want in your life.

2. Assess their strengths. List the things you do well and the things that make a good person. There could be some intelligence, a good sense of humor, good analysis, compassion, creativity, the ability to detect trends, people skills, things you and capabilities recognized as an integral part of his personality and talent. No matter how you feel weak in your life, these are qualities that have never lost.

3. Recognize your debts. Improve your self-esteem is not to ignore the things that make you human. To be human is to make mistakes, do not let that keep you stuck. List your negative traits and label them as areas of your life that you need to work, areas of improvement. Treat them as they make you look downright passive trait unalterable your life and create the feeling that you are powerless against them.
4. Build slowly. Taking small steps to improve your self-esteem. Great success is based on small successes. You can choose to change your perspective drastically today and expect results ends in the morning. Taking the slow performance and good for each shift, gradually build a solid foundation of achievements that will increase your self-esteem more effectively.
5. Make it a point to improve the same day. Whatever you do, say or think it should focus on improving self-esteem. Improve the way you dress, walk or talk. Take further studies to improve their knowledge and skills, learn a new language, take cooking classes, start a new hobby. Being able to immerse themselves in trouble activity creates a sense of capacity and open new opportunities for growth.
6. Stay away from people who pull you down with snide remarks and unfair criticism. Associate with positive people. There will always grumpy and naysayers who do not hesitate to advise carelessly that make others feel unworthy of praise or recognition. If you find people who make it their mission in life to minimize the achievements of others, keep your distance. They do nothing good to your life.
7. Be yourself. Never improve your self-esteem if you try to live and be accepted as projected itself mask. Pretending to be someone you're not an error to assert their uniqueness and potential and only make you sad about your situation. You can not make everyone like you, so do not try.

8. Make other people feel good about themselves. People tend to like you more if you are honest and kind. Improve your listening skills and body language to make people feel at ease. To respond in a visible interest and.

You might think that this is the opposite of what you want to do to improve your self-esteem, but you really focus on other people, it creates an aura of sympathy to gravitate towards, if you choose another. And when you are identified as a good person who is great to be with him, his self-esteem grows.

9. You have the right to make mistakes. Nobody is perfect, regardless of what you hear or what the popular media would have you believe. Accepting that mistakes are made and that all goes well, you will learn to recognize that this is a necessary process that has to go to you to improve.

10. Recognize that you are a unique individual with a different set of talents and has something to contribute. You can not be a big celebrity like Justin Timberlake, as rich as Bill Gates or as powerful as Oprah Winfrey, but her individuality makes you as important as they are, with as much right to exist and make something of himself itself.

5 Days To Overcome Procrastination

Procrastination is something that creates a lot of havoc in the lives of people. Most people know exactly what they have to do to succeed. The road to success for any business is already open. What separates those who get what they want from those who do measure. Successful people do what they have created good results. This is true if we look at the race, sports, relationships and personal development. The only success is to determine what you want, create an implementation plan, and take action that moves it.

People who suffer from procrastination is difficult to succeed. Since success is based on action, are failing at the opposite end of the spectrum. The delay, by their nature, inhibits the action. Instead, it generates stagnation. Productivity declined in all areas since that terrible trait acquires control of his life. Over time, it assumes greater control. Putting things becomes a mentality of lack of dropouts.

Procrastination is a habit. This is not something you're born. Like most things, is a trait that is learned through years of experience. Our mind uses this technique to "protect" us to suffer negative consequences in our lives. Whenever I see a situation that could result in pain, our mind seeks ways forbid we go this way. Procrastination, derived from the inculcation of fear, prevents the action. We follow the desires of the mind, avoiding the task. Of course, we can usually put off something just for a moment, until it is imperative that we complete. It is at this point to avoid is greater than the pain to pain.

How did we reverse years of habits procrastinate? Obviously, there will be degrees that each person feels it. Some people are only mildly affected. Periodically, you put things. However, for the most part, are action-oriented. Then there are those who are totally paralyzed by procrastination. They have everything. These are the people who are mind immediately said "later" when faced with an activity. No matter how easy or difficult the task. The mindset is the default delay.

No matter where you are, this activity will help you get on the path of action. The key to investing in a habit is to develop a new business and do it over a period of time long enough to form a new habit. In our example, we will show five days. To form a new habit, it is best to stick to it for a period of 21 days. This exercise is extended by simply adding more tasks to the list.

To begin, we will make a list of 10 activities that we report. To manage the list of 21 days, and then type 42 things you do not. It is usually best to start with activities that are fairly easy to achieve. These tasks are forming our list of procrastination. We have a list of all items currently procrastinating. After completing our list, we chose two tasks that are committed in full on the first day. We insist on these activities and put them in our daily agenda. Then we will carry out the tasks. We stop thinking and move on. The simplest activities are the best because they allow us to build momentum. The first day we spent two items in the list of procrastination.

Guess what happens on the second day? Obviously, day 2 is a repeat of the first day. Choose two elements, note that since the full daily schedule. Again, you get to cross off two items. This continues for five days. After this time, we realized 10 activities which were previously incomplete. This will give a huge boost to achieve more. You will find that your energy levels increase and when it comes to rest incomplete tasks. The energy that was spent before thinking about the unresolved task is now recovered. This will give you the incentive to continue for the last two weeks.

Perform two tasks each day will develop the habit of taking action. If you feel motivated, you can do it three times a day. I'll warn them not to try to do too many things at once. It tends to burn quickly. It is also important to develop the habit as it is to complete the activities. Procrastination instills the mentality to put things. This exercise will begin to put the mind to think "do it now".

Low Self Esteem: How to Be Patient When Building Low Self Esteem

Low self-esteem is something that many of us. Self-esteem problems can affect people of all religions, sex, race or religion, age or sex. People around the world may suffer from problems of low self-esteem than you do, and it is indeed very common.

The building of low self-esteem requires patience, determination, commitment and perseverance. When you try to generate a low self-esteem, setbacks can happen to you. These delays can occur as not to treat you with kindness, or allow others to treat you badly.

When you work to overcome low self-esteem, these failures can occur suddenly and sometimes without even realizing it. The most important thing is that you punish these setbacks.

While working on feeling better about yourself, you can take two steps forward and one step back. It's really good and it is common and quite normal to go through this. This is the way to learn, and you have to cut some slack.

In the process of building self-esteem, we must remember that the low self-esteem does not happen overnight. Low self-esteem or feel bad about yourself is often the case at an early age. In general, there is an accumulation of life experiences, including how they were treated by others to help shape their self-esteem.

Due to the low self-esteem became more solidified through these experiences, it will take time to change those thoughts you have about yourself. If you think you're attractive, unintelligent and it is a deeply rooted belief system, you will not be able to change tonight.

There are several techniques to help combat low self-esteem and self-esteem to a healthy level. The building of low self-esteem requires the use of these strategies include new beliefs about yourself. Like learning the alphabet or learning to read music, you must learn to feel better about yourself. Also remember that learning takes time.

Low self-esteem can create negative experiences, depression, anxiety, social anxiety and lack of motivation for life. With problems of self-esteem can affect your life in a negative way and life will not be so happy for you that you can be.

As previously stated, there are many ways to build your self-esteem because they do not have to live with low self-esteem through their lives.

Through self-help advice methods, individual or group, you can overcome low self-esteem over time. Remember though, you must be patient in this process and not give up on yourself and let your efforts to build a low self-esteem.

One way you feel new and better will improve your life and bring joy and happiness that you deserve. Be patient with yourself and you will build a low self-esteem and feel better about yourself and your life.

Time Management Training: Organize Your Time With The Building Blocks Of Productivity

What lessons can be learned from young children! One day, I watched two girls, 3 and 5 years old, playing with "bricks" constructed of thick cardboard. The brick blocks came in three sizes: a rectangle 10 "x 16", a "square, and level 3", size 10 x 10 bricks "with the time they have spent hours creating the structures beginning, it was understood .. chunks that provide a better basis for small parts so things down without using all the bricks. With much trial and error found that if children began to plus size were more likely to be able to use all the bricks.

An effective daily schedule can also be constructed with three types of blocks. How can fill (productivity) each day depends on how you organize your time.

Large blocks - foundation of your day

Make your foundation block of uninterrupted work day when you can focus on difficult projects involved. The ideal length is an hour and a half, about twenty percent of the eight-hour day. If you can not find the time, try for one hour. Even with 45 minutes of uninterrupted time, you can get a lot of work, because it does not require another twenty minutes after each break to return to the "flow." Since this routine is developed, the objective of hours each day.

Meanwhile, do not answer every phone call. Disable alerts general emails. If you want to make a person or a particular message is ready immediately, set the rules of software to inform the specific message. When you can lock the twenty percent of your time, take place about eighty percent of their work for the day.

You instinctively recognize that the uninterrupted time is effective when it comes to work an hour early or stay a few extra hours at the end of the day, knowing that you will do a lot of things in this moment of silence. Why not be productive including time of silence in your day instead of adding extra hours to get the same amount of work?

Low blocks (Pushing Blocks) - Multi-tasking is not always the best option

Group as many activities as possible, because they are four times more productive when you can focus on one type of job rather than switching between a variety of tasks. Constant multitasking slows you down. The activities can be grouped as return non-emergency calls, the processing of your email inbox, archiving and playback.

The length of the session depends on the job. If you average five calls at once, you just need to stop and ten to fifteen minutes. With e-mail, you may have to spend thirty minutes to an hour. Each of them can be repeated throughout the day. For example, you can quickly check email first thing in the morning for ten minutes to address urgent issues, then spend thirty minutes before lunch and thirty minutes later in the afternoon. Stick to the amount of time that you originally assigned and not to leave. This will keep you focused on the task and increase productivity. Move it does not complete the next block of time.

Small blocks - New Items and lower priority tasks for handles

Emerging and low priority tasks can work from the other blocks. It may be to seek the help of a colleague, quick answers to questions, fill out forms and other project components that do not meet their large blocks, but he still has time to work.

The structure of each day starts with finding a space for blocks, followed by several blocks through combined operations. Then add small blocks. If you do the opposite, which means going to work and cleaning small objects before finding a time for the most important work, you can end the day without having to manage your priorities.

Why spend extra hours in the evening to work that could stand on the proper construction of your program?

The A - Z Of Motivation

Pain may sometimes be the reason why people change. Getting bad grades make you realize that you need to study. Debts remind you of your inability to find a source of income. Being humiliated gives you the 'push' to speak and fight for you to save face for the next embarrassment. It may be a bitter experience tragic story of a friend, a good movie or an inspiring book that will help you get up and get the right amount of motivation we need to improve.

With all the people trying to pull down and wait fails, how can you stay motivated and positive?

Try this A to Z tips for motivation:

A - The realization of your dreams. Avoid negative people, things and places because it just drags down. Eleanor Roosevelt once said: "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

B - Believe in yourself and what you can do. Believe in their abilities and their dreams. Every human progress took place because someone believes in themselves.

C - Consider all angles and aspects of all that is whether people or situations. Motivation comes from the strength of purpose. Being able to see both points of view will give you more chances to succeed and keep those around you motivated too.

D - Do not give up and do not give in. Every successful person from J K Rowling to Walt Disney Sylvester Stallone Thomas Edison had many failures before success. Sometimes their failures or rejections ran into the hundreds before success.

E - Enjoy. Work like you do not need money. Dance like nobody is watching. Love like you've never cried. Learn as if you will live forever. Motivation takes place when people are happy.

F - family and friends. Use your family and friends to help you stay motivated. Great teams have cheerleaders and fans rejoice. Your family and friends can be your cheerleaders and fans. Use them to continue to play when you feel your motivation drifting.

G - Give a little extra. self improvement happens everywhere all the time, whether you're at home, at work or at school. Anthony Robbins says that the difference between an excellent and remarkable effort is tiny, but the price difference is huge. Give that little extra that you can put into circulation.

H - Hang on to your dreams. There may be times when it is dark, but stick to your dreams. The night is darkest just before dawn. It was at this time that are closer to success and 95% of people will give up. Advance this time and you will achieve your dreams.

I - Ignore those who try to destroy you. Do not get involved in their dramas or toxicity - just walk. Surround yourself with people who will encourage and support. Remove those who want to get down and see you fail in your life. You will find it much easier to stay motivated.

J - Joy and gratitude. Perhaps two of the fundamental principles of motivation and success is to be happy in what you do and grateful for what you have.

K - Keep pushing forward, no matter how hard life may seem. In the most difficult times you can choose to move or flee. It's your choice - a route takes you closer to success, the other takes you away from him. What do you follow?

L - Learn to love yourself. This is not as easy as it seems to most people, but love, you will be happier and more motivated because you think you deserve what you get.

M - Make it happen. Motivation and success does not come from sitting in front of the coke consumption of the TV and eat pizza position. Take action and you will achieve your dreams.

N - Never lie, cheat or steal. Always play a fair game. At the end of the day, if you live a dishonest life, will come back to you. Live a virtuous life can honestly be proud of what you do.

O - Open your eyes. Everyone has a set of blinders that lead and see everything through them, i.e. how they would like things to be. Look at life with open eyes and see things as they are and how you want them. Then take steps to get there.

P - Practice makes perfect. The more you practice, the better you become. An elite athlete misses his status by a single practice or game. They practice more than anyone else, and as such, are rewarded more.

Q - Quitters never win. And winners never quit. So this is what you want to be?

R - Ready yourself. Always be ready to seize opportunities and situations that may occur. Prepare ahead and ignore the voice telling you to leave it for tomorrow. Remember, it was not raining when Noah built the ark!

S - stop procrastinating. You can do everything for tomorrow, but one day there will be no morning. Register reporter and see tomorrow not working today.

T - Take control of your life. Discipline and self-motivation are synonymous. So many people believe that their life is out of control. Look at your life in detail, and find that you have more areas under their control than you think.

U - Understand others. If you know very well how to talk, you must also learn to listen. You have two ears and one mouth for a reason. Understanding others and try to make themselves understood.

V - view. Your subconscious does not know the difference between imagination and reality, so if you repeat your success in your mind, your subconscious will believe it and achieve it.

W - Want it more than anything. Every successful person has had a burning desire to achieve your goals. The Wright brothers did not invent the airplane because there was nothing on TV. They had a burning desire to succeed and stay in business even in the face of setbacks.

X - X Factor is what will make you different from others. When you are motivated, you tend to put on "extras" on your life like extra time for family, extra help at work, take care of his friends. The X-factor that leaves one side of the crowd and mark you for success.

Y - You are unique. Nobody in this world looks, acts, thinks and talks like you. The value of your gifts, whatever they are, and use them to their success.

Z - Focus on your dreams and make it happen!