
Scared Of Public Speaking? Here's How To Eliminate Your Fear Of Public Speaking Today

If you are scared of public speaking, there is probably a rational explanation for the reason why you might have developed this phobia or anxiety.
Often it can be because of our own self confidence, the fear of something going wrong and making us look stupid or unprofessional. This can often be traced back to childhood pressures to speak in front of the class, sing a song, tell a story or may have even been triggered from recent events where a negative outcome somehow imprinted a continued false expectation of all your future public speaking activity.
The biggest trigger of the fear of public speaking surely lies in our own self critic. We are far too judgemental of ourselves, particularly the bad points.
The truth is that for many of us, public speaking is an essential part of our lives. Whether we are selling, presenting, doing a wedding speech or hosting a seminar, our ability to perform well with our public speaking is paramount to our success and our well being.
Public speaking can cause much unwanted stress, loss of control and further rooted anxiety if not handled and mastered early on. Luckily, there are proven ways to totally transform your public speaking skills so that you can safely and comfortably transform your career and personal life through effective public speaking.
The first step is to develop good content for your public speech. Below are 3 of the many main keys to achieving this, starting from today.
1. Talk with authority
Whether it's a seminar speech or a simple toast, you can develop good public speech content through taking an authority position. Speaking about what you know and love makes the whole task 100 times easier. It doesn't matter what context your speech is in (wedding, toasts, teaching, selling), by applying your passion, experience and knowledge that you know othres will appreciate, you will always have a massive head start over your previous efforts.
2. Story time
Stories are great for two reasons. Firstly, stories are often used in sales to get people "on your side" and become warm and empathetic towards you. Secondly, stories fill a huge chunk of your speech, whilst providing inspirational and heart felt messages to your listeners. Stories, when told well, will capture your audience from the minute you begin speaking. This is because people instinctively want to know the ending. By knowing that people are hanging on your every word, you will feel more at ease when it comes to the crunch time.
3. Practise
As with anything in life, practise allows us to perform better. You will notice a massive difference in your speech performance when you attack it fully prepared. Knowing your material inside out with reduce the anxiety of making a potential mistake, and you will appear more relaxed in the process. When you know your material inside out, you will subconsciously deliver it with "free flowing" style and this allows you to bring out your personality in order to appeal to your audience on a more personal, intimate level.
Wouldn't it be nice however, if there were a magic button that you could push TONIGHT, so that your fear of public speaking could be wiped off the slate by tomorrow morning? Well, I have a little secret that will open your eyes about your public speaking fears and is guaranteed to be your own magic button. Want to know what it is? Too good to be true? There's only one way to find out... Click here to speak without fear in public []

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