Do you want to know a very simple formula for getting whatever you want in life?
This is so simple it seems trivial when you first hear it, but few people follow it, and if you do follow it, you can create anything you want in life. There are six steps to this formula.
Step One is to know where you are. This means you evaluate your circumstances honestly and become clear about exactly where you are. It also means you don't beat yourself up for where you are, or feel victimized if you don't like where you are. You just know where you are. If you want to get to China, you can't really start traveling until you know where you are. If you don't know where you are, how will you know what direction to go?
Step Two is to know where you want to be. This is a big one. You have to know where you want to go, or what you want, before you can set out to go there or get it. If you just say, "I want to go somewhere," you wouldn't have enough information to know what to do, what action to take. If you said, "I want to go East," that would be a little better, since you'd at least know what direction to go. However, you would not know when you got there? The more specific you are, the more you'll know what to do, how to start, and how to know when you get there.
Step Three is to take action. This is a huge stumbling block for many people. How do you know what action to take? You see someone who is already successful and you say to them, "Sure, it's easy for you. You know what to do." Here's a big secret, and very few people know it. The successful person doesn't know what to do any more than you do, unless he or she is doing something for the second time. Almost no one knows what to do when they do something for the first time.
Take your best guess, but DO SOMETHING
Step Four is to evaluate the results of the action. You could call this The Dr. Phil Step, where you say, "How's that workin' for you?" You take some sort of action, no matter how pathetic it might be, and then you check and see what happened. If you made some progress, you might want to do some more of the same action. If not, you ask yourself what other action you might take. If you made some progress but not a lot, you might ask yourself how to improve the action you took in order to make it work better. Whatever you do, you will learn something. Take enough action and you will become very wise.
Step Five is to refine the action, based on the evaluation you just made. Now your refined action might be just as pathetic as the first action, or it might be better. It doesn't matter. After you take stock of your first action and take your best shot at refining and improving it, take action again. This idea of taking action is the key. Don't just stand there, do something, no matter what it is.
Obviously, the better the action the faster you'll get the result, but I'll let you in on something that people who wait and wait and wait to act don't realize: You learn a thousand times more from a bad action than you do from waiting until you think you have everything figured out. When you act, you really find out what works and what doesn't work. Before you act, you're just guessing.
Step Six is to keep repeating steps 3, 4, and 5, to continue acting, evaluating the results, and refining your action until you get to where you want to go.
If you follow these six steps, you can have anything you want in life, and along the way you'll become a very wise individual.
Bill Schoeffler is a business consultant and coach with 20 years of experience working with small business owners and individuals. Bill's unique background includes engineering, financial analysis, and inter-personal skills. Bill is a master NLP Practitioner. He can be reached at (707) 324-5531 x 3 or You can find out more at
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