Have you ever felt like you were held back because of something that happened in your past? Or maybe you just felt stuck, unable to find success in the direction your life was going. I've had those feelings before. In fact, years ago, I remember telling a friend how sad I was because I felt like my twenties was the best years of my life. And they weren't even that good! That was a real low point for me. I don't know if you've ever hit a rough spot like that, but I think we all reach a point sometime where what we expected from life isn't what we got. When that time comes, the only real question is what are you going to do about it? It took a while, but I came to a simple realization that changed everything for me. I discovered the power of taking complete responsibility for myself.
Taking personal responsibility for your life is about taking complete ownership for everything that happens to you. It means giving up your excuses and victim stories and taking back the power to find your own solutions. Waiting for someone or something to do it for you won't work. It may seem tough, but unless you are willing to take complete responsibility for your life, you will never find the success and happiness you want.
Taking personal responsibility for your life is so powerful because it gives you 3 things:
1. It Empowers You.
There is always a great temptation to blame others and make excuses for our failures, but that won't move us forward. The fact is life is made up of cause and effect relationships. Nothing happens on its own. Taking responsibility for your results helps you to see your part in the creation process. You start asking questions like, what did I do to create that? Or, what role did I play in causing that to happen? Even if you got a bad result and someone else is to blame, it doesn't matter. It's still up to you to find the solution. No one else is going to do it for you. I know it sounds harsh, but really, it's good news. Taking personal responsibility for your life empowers you. You don't have to wait for someone else to think you are worthy of success or happiness. You don't need their permission or approval to begin creating the life you want. All you need to do is to decide about what kind of life you deserve.
2. It Engages You.
When you take 100 percent responsibility for your life, you no don't waste time and energy searching for someone or something to blame for your problems. You search for solutions instead. If things didn't turn out the way you planned, what did you learn from it? What can you do differently next time to get a different outcome? When you get engaged and start asking questions you bring the focus on putting your creativity and knowledge to work.
3. It Gives You Proper Perspective.
Accepting personal responsibility for your life doesn't mean accepting total blame every time something goes wrong. You cannot control every person or everything that happens to you. You can, however, control these things:
- How you feel,
- How you behave, and
- the kind of people and relationships you are attracted to.
No matter what happens, you always have control over how you think and feel, how you behave, and with whom you spend your free time. Just getting a handle on these 3 things will utterly change your life.
Taking complete responsibility for you life can be a challenge. It's a practice that takes time and effort, but it's worth it. It's the first step to getting from where you are to where you want to be.
If you want to push the needle forward in terms of your personal and professional growth, go to http://www.markbooher.com to find more on personal development and success strategies.
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